Calendar Sync

Understanding Calendar Sync

OneCal Calendar Sync allows users to synchronize multiple Outlook or Google Calendars in real-time, automatically.

Grainy Texture
 Calendar Sync Illustration
Illustration of synced Google Calendar with an Outlook Calendar.

Supported Providers

  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft Outlook

Good To Know

OneCal is approved by Google and Microsoft and uses Official APIs to access your calendars. We act as a proxy and don't store or analyze any of the calendar data or events.

Sync Directions

OneCal supports one-way and multi-way syncs.

One-Way Sync Direction

The one-way sync allows you to sync one calendar to another, or to multiple calendars. The sync would look like this:

  • Calendar A -> Calendar B
  • Calendar A -> Calendar B, Calendar C, Calendar D (and more calendars...)

Here is what the UI looks like:

Grainy Texture
Choose Calendar Sync Direction
Choose Calendar Sync Direction
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Choose Source Calendar and Target Calendar(s)
Choose Source Calendar and Target Calendar(s)

Example 1:

You have a work calendar and a personal calendar. You can:

  • Create a one-way sync to sync Personal -> Work, by removing all event information, and just blocking the time in your Work calendar for personal events.
  • Create another one-way sync to sync Work -> Personal, by sending all event information to your personal calendar.

Example 2:

You have two work calendars and a personal calendar. You can:

  • Create a one-way sync to sync Personal -> Work1, Work2, by removing all event information, and just blocking the time in your Work calendars for personal events.
  • Create a one-way sync to sync Work1 -> Personal, by sending all Work1 information to your personal calendar.
  • Create a one-way sync to sync Work2 -> Personal, by sending all Work2 information to your personal calendar.

This configuration allows you to block time on your work calendars for personal events, and block time on your personal calendar for work events.

Your privacy is intact when blocking time on your work calendars for personal events, as all event details are stripped.

Multi-Way Sync Direction

The multi-way sync allows to sync of multiple calendars under the same sync rules.

Here is what the UI looks like:

Grainy Texture
Choose Calendar Sync Direction
Choose Calendar Sync Direction
Grainy Texture
Choose Calendars to Sync
Choose Calendars to Sync


You have 3 work calendars and a personal calendar. You want to sync all calendars by showing 'Busy' for cloned events. You could create a multi-way sync and select the calendars you want to sync. OneCal handles the rest.

Sync Configuration (Rules)

Both One-way and Multi-way calendar syncs have the same sync configuration.

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Calendar Sync Configuration
Calendar Sync Configuration

Sync Rules

How Often Do the Syncs Run?

The Calendar Sync is real-time and automatic. As soon as a change happens in your source calendar(s), OneCal will sync all the target calendars.

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