Booking Links
Copy Availability
There are times where sharing a booking link with someone else, might not be appropriate. There are also times when you only want to share a subset of your available time slots, instead of the full availability.
For both those cases, the Copy Availability feature comes in handy. Copy Availability is accessible on each individual Booking Link, and allows you to select a number of time slots from that particular Booking Link, which you can copy and share with other people, either through email or text message.
How to access
To access to Copy Availability feature, in the Booking Links page find the Booking Link from which you would like to pick your availability from, then click on Three dot menu > Copy Availability, like shown below.
Time zones
The Copy Availability feature, allows you to select times in your local time zone, but present the times in a different time zone. This is useful if you know the time zone of the booker in advance.
To change the time zone in which to select your availability, change the Your Time Zone option.
To change the time zone in which times are presented to your booker, change the Booker's Time Zone property.
Copying and Pasting your Availability
On the left side of the screen, select the dates and times which you want to share. Once you have selected all dates and times to share, you can click on the Copy button in the bottom right.
Once copied, the contents in the Preview window will be copied to your clipboard ready for you to paste in your email, or text.
The recipient can click on the time they want to book and will be automatically taken to your Booking Link, with the selected date and time pre-filled.
Pasting Availability as Plain Text
There could be times where you just want the recipient to see the list of dates and times you are available without any fancy formatting, links or buttons. If that's the case, when pasting the copied availability, make sure to select "Paste as plain text" from the context menu, or use CTRL + Shift + V (CMD + Shift + V on Mac). This will ensure that only the text contents are pasted to the email or text message.